Dmitry Lobasev

What is Scrum?

Scrum is a popular framework for managing and completing complex projects. It was first developed in the 1990s by a team of software developers who were looking for a more efficient and effective way to complete large, complex projects. Since then, it has been widely adopted by teams in a variety of industries and has become one of the most widely used agile project management methodologies.

One of the key features of Scrum is its focus on collaboration and communication. Scrum teams are typically small, cross-functional groups of individuals who work closely together to complete a project. This allows for quick decision-making and adaptability, as well as a high level of transparency and accountability.

Another key feature of Scrum is its iterative approach. Rather than trying to plan and execute a project from start to finish, Scrum teams work in short, time-boxed cycles called “sprints.” Each sprint typically lasts between one and four weeks, and at the end of each sprint, the team reviews their progress and adjusts their plans for the next sprint accordingly. This allows teams to quickly respond to changing requirements and feedback, and to continually improve their processes and deliverables.

At the heart of Scrum are a set of roles, events, and artifacts that are used to guide and structure the project. The main roles in a Scrum team include the product owner, the Scrum master, and the development team. The product owner is responsible for defining the vision and goals of the project, and for prioritizing the work that needs to be done. The Scrum master is responsible for facilitating the Scrum process and ensuring that the team is following the Scrum framework. The development team is responsible for actually doing the work and delivering the project’s deliverables.

The main events in Scrum are the sprint, the sprint planning meeting, the daily scrum, the sprint review, and the sprint retrospective. The sprint is the core event in Scrum, during which the team works on completing their deliverables. The sprint planning meeting is a time for the team to plan and prioritize their work for the upcoming sprint. The daily scrum is a brief, daily meeting where each team member reports on their progress and any obstacles they are facing. The sprint review is a time for the team to demo their deliverables to stakeholders and gather feedback. The sprint retrospective is a time for the team to reflect on their performance and identify ways to improve.

The main artifacts in Scrum are the product backlog, the sprint backlog, and the increment. The product backlog is a list of all the work that needs to be done for the project. It is owned and prioritized by the product owner, and it is used as the basis for planning each sprint. The sprint backlog is a list of the work that the team has committed to completing during the current sprint. It is owned and managed by the development team, and it is used to track their progress during the sprint. The increment is the output of each sprint, and it represents the latest, potentially shippable version of the project.

In conclusion, Scrum is a powerful framework for managing and completing complex projects. It is based on collaboration, transparency, and iterative progress, and it provides a set of roles, events, and artifacts that help teams work together effectively and deliver high-quality results. Whether you’re a product owner, a Scrum master, or a member of a development team, understanding and using Scrum can help you achieve success on your projects.